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辅导CSE 151A辅导留学生Python设计

CSE 151A - Homework 02
Due: Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Write your solutions to the following problems by either typing them up or handwriting them on another
piece of paper. Unless otherwise noted by the problem’s instructions, show your work or provide some
justification for your answer. Homeworks are due via Gradescope on Wednesday at 11:59 p.m.
Essential Problem 1.
The table below shows the SAT scores for 10 randomly-selected applicants to UCSD, along with whether or
not they were admitted.
Score Admitted?
1240 Y
1310 Y
1470 Y
1500 Y
1200 N
1200 N
1220 N
1250 N
1290 N
1400 N
Your friend is applying to UCSD with an SAT score of 1300. Using Gaussians to estimate the conditional
probabilities involved, use a Bayes classifier to predict whether your friend will be admitted or not. Show
your work and all calculations involved.
Hint: You can use scipy.stats.norm.pdf to from the Python package scipy to evaluate the normal PDF
(or another similar function in a different language). But make sure you know how the function works. In
particular, does it require the standard deviation, or the variance?
Essential Problem 2.
The CDC is testing a vaccine for COVID-19 and has gathered a group of 44 people to experiment on. The
people are classified by the state they are from, as shown in the table below.
State #
Ohio 12
California 27
Texas 5
Suppose that 3 of the people from Ohio have COVID-19, 10 of the people from California have the virus,
and one person from Texas has the virus. You randomly select one person from the study and learn that
they are healthy – they do not have the virus. What is the probability that the person is from Texas?
Essential Problem 3.
In each part below, assume that you have gathered a data set consisting of the quantities described. Respond
with a matrix containing the sign of each entry of the data’s covariance matrix.
In each case there will be a preferred answer – but the correct answer isn’t necessarily unique. If you feel
unsure as to whether the sign of the covariance between two variables is positive or negative, make a guess
and provide your reasoning. Otherwise, you do not need to show your work for this problem if you don’t
want to.
Example: Let X1 be a person’s height, and X2 be their weight.
Solution: The signs of the entries of the covariance matrix are
+ +
+ +
because a person’s weight tends
to be larger the taller they are.
a) Let X1 be a person’s midterm score, let X2 be their final exam score, and let X3 be their GPA.
b) For a particular day, let let X1 be the temperature, X2 be the number of hours that the air conditioner
ran, and X3 be the number of winter coats sold on that day.
c) Let X1 be the longest distance a person can run, let X2 be their age, and let X3 be a measure of the
efficiency of their lungs (the larger X3, the more efficient their lungs).
Essential Problem 4.
Let X be an n× d matrix, let A be a d× r matrix, and let B be an r × n matrix. Let x⃗ be a vector in Rn
(that is, an n × 1 column vector), let y⃗ be a vector in R⃗d (that is, a d × 1 column vector). For each of the
following, state whether the result is a scalar, a vector, or a matrix. If it is a vector or a matrix, state its
shape (number of rows and columns).
For the purposes of this question, a matrix with one column is considered a column vector, and a matrix
with one row is considered a row vector. If the result of an expression is 1 × 1, it is a scalar. You do not
need to show your work.
a) x⃗ · x⃗
b) XA
c) XXᵀ
d) XᵀX
e) (XA)ᵀx⃗
f) y⃗ᵀy⃗(XXᵀ)−1
g) (x⃗ · x⃗+ y⃗ · y⃗) + xᵀBᵀAᵀXᵀXABx⃗
h) BᵀAᵀXᵀXAB
Essential Problem 5.
We will soon need to remember the key properties of the dot product. This question is meant to help you
remember them.
a) Recall from your class on vector algebra that one way to define the dot product of two vectors, u⃗ and
v⃗, is:
u⃗ · v⃗ = ‖u⃗‖‖v⃗‖ cos θ,
where ‖u⃗‖ is the length of the vector u⃗, ‖v⃗‖ is the length of v⃗, and θ is the angle between the two
Two vectors u⃗ and v⃗ are shown below.
Argue that the length of the red segment is (u⃗ · v⃗)/‖u⃗‖.
b) The function f(x⃗) = 5x1 + 2x2 − 3x3 can be written as f(x⃗) = w⃗ · x⃗ for some vector w⃗. What is w⃗?
c) Let x⃗ = (x1, . . . , xd)T be a vector in Rd. If x⃗ is a unit vector (that is, the length of x⃗ is 1) and x1 = 0.1,
what is the largest that any of the remaining entries x2, . . . , xd can possibly be?
d) What is the angle between x⃗ = (1, 2, 3)T and y⃗ = (3, 2, 1)T ?
Plus Problem 1. (5 plus points)
In this problem, let X1 and X2 be random variables.
a) Show that if X1 and X2 are independent, then Cov(X1, X2) = 0
b) Independence implies zero covariance, but zero covariance does not imply independence in general.
Here’s an example demonstrating this.
Consider the four points below:
A point is chosen from these four, uniformly at random. Let X be its x-coordinate, and let Y be its
y-coordinate. Show that X and Y are dependent, but that Cov(X,Y ) = 0.
c) Zero covariance does not imply independence in general. However, in the special case that X and
Y are jointly Gaussian random variables, Cov(X,Y ) = 0 does imply that X and Y are independent.
Recall that random variables X and Y are jointly Gaussian if the random vector S⃗ = (X,Y )T has a
density which is a two-dimensional Gaussian. The statement that X and Y have zero covariance is
saying that the covariance matrix of the Gaussian describing their joint density is diagonal.
Prove that jointly Gaussian random variables with zero covariance are independent.
Plus Problem 2. (9 plus points)
Tumors are often diagnosed as malignant or benign through medical imaging. The file http://cse151a.
com/data/cancer/train.csv contains data on 400 tumors collected as part of a breast cancer study at the
University of Wisconsin. The data contains 30 measurements of each tumor, including the tumor’s area, its
perimeter, a measure of its texture, and so on. All features are continuous. The first column of the data
reports whether the tumor was benign (B) or malignant (M). The file http://cse151a.com/data/cancer/
test.csv contains a test set.
a) Create scatter plots of the radius_mean column versus the texture_mean column for benign and
malignant tumors using the training data. Overlay your plots on the same graph.
b) Perform Linear Discriminant Analysis by estimating each class-conditional density with a Gaussian;
the two Gaussians should share the same diagonal covariance matrix. Standardize each feature before
performing your analysis. Report the error of your classifier on both the training set and the test set.
Provide your code.
Hint 0: You can use libraries like scipy to evaluate the multivariate Normal pdf, but don’t use code
which performs LDA itself.
Hint 1: The top left entry of your shared covariance matrix should be roughly 0.46.
Hint 2: How do you get one covariance matrix for both classes? The lecture describes the standard
Hint 3: The test set should be standardized too. When standardizing it, what makes the most sense:
using the mean and variance from the training set, or from the test set? Oftentimes in practice we
don’t see the whole test set at once, but rather see one point at a time – you can make that limiting
assumption here.
c) Perform Quadratic Discriminant Analysis by estimating each class-conditional density with a Gaus-
sian; the two Gaussians should have different full covariance matrices. Standardize each feature before
performing your analysis. Report the error of your classifier on both the training set and the test set.
Provide your code.

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