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comp2811 / User Interfaces

 comp2811 / User Interfaces

Tom Kelly (MS Teams, scstke@leeds.ac.uk)
Coursework 3: The Process
Date set: 16.11.20
Date due: 11.12.20 by 5pm
Weighting: 50%
Goals for this CW:
Experience agile software lifecycles in a collaborative environment
Evaluate, design, and develop a complex GUI application in Qt
Getting started:
Before the first meeting, everyone should get the Tomeo prototype running.
Watch the introductory video.
Download the.zip file (right click...download) and open the .pro project in Qt Creator.
!!Beware: this program shows flashing videos!!
Run the project. When a dialog pops up, click yes to open a link to OneDrive and download the video files. Extract the videos and set the absolute path of the videos directory as the first command line argument to the project.
Operating system hints:
Ubuntu (Linux): I had to install:
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
feng-linux: requires a combination of qt versions - video.
Run the initial Tomeo prototype in Qt Creator, explore its (limited and buggy) functionality.
Make a note of any issues you observe with the usability of the initial prototype.
Explore the code. In particular note the following classes, and read any Qt documentation you need to:
tomeo.cpp: contains the main method and creates a list of video files that have thumbnails.
the_button.cpp: a subclass of QPushButton which shows the icon, and has a signal (jumpTo) that is fired when someone clicks it.
the_player.cpp: a subclass QMediaPlayer which controls the playback of the video in the QVideoWidget class.
Your task:
Your group will improve the Tomeo prototype for the following market segment:
Outdoor enthusiasts who want to explore and organise a large personal video library.  This group collects massive quantities of video from action cameras (e.g. GoPro), video drones (e.g. DJI Mavic), and mobile phones (e.g. slow-motion footage from an iPhone). The video is typically from a variety of locations, is of different lengths (ranging from a "moving photo" of a few seconds to 3 hours of raw skiing footage), and activities (e.g. cycling, parascending, football, or skiing).
Arrange a first meeting time with your group members.
The group assignments are here. You may swap with another student if you both email Tom, but only before 20/11/20. You may not swap twice.
If there are serious problems with groupings (incompatible time zones, need to be removed from a group, etc…) or unresponsive members, please email Tom.
In the first meeting:
Add your names to your group in Minerva (pick the one with your group number).
Exchange contact details with your group members, set up a shared code repository (e.g. git, GitLab, Github….), and a shared process document (e.g. Office 365, Google docs….).
Arrange a weekly time to meet and update each other on your progress.
Explore the initial Tomeo prototype together.
Discuss the requirements of users from the market segment. For this coursework you should invent realistic requirements rather than gathering data yourself:
perform a PACT analysis to scope the problem space
write a persona to represent your users
write two scenarios which detail use-cases for the persona
personas and scenarios should be realistic but fictional
You will then complete at least 3 development cycles of the Tomeo application before the due date above. For this coursework, one cycle consists of:
prototyping a new design
evaluating the prototype
implementing desired changes to the application
You will create a process document detailing the design process with the following structure:
the members of your group and their usernames.
the PACT analysis, persona (one paragraph), and two use scenarios (one paragraph per scenario) which refine your requirements.
the platform you are targeting (desktop, mobile, web, etc…). All our development will take place with Qt and C++, but we can design for other hardware / software.
a title and description of each cycle in the following format (compare i-iii above):
one paragraph describing the goal of this cycle.
the name of the prototyping technique and any software used (technique: sketch, paper, native…. software: Photoshop, Gimp, Qt Designer, etc…)
one paragraph motivating the design shown in your prototype.
one paragraph giving the reason for the chosen technique.
evidence of the design (a photo, screenshot, a video of a paper prototype, etc...)
the name of the evaluation technique used (heuristic evaluation, cognitive walkthrough, questionnaire, interview, etc...)
one paragraph describing why this technique was chosen.
one paragraph describing the outcomes of the evaluation.
evidence of the evaluation (a table of the results, a video of the interactions, etc...)
a video illustrating the changes compared to the previous version.
a link to a code repository with the developed code for this cycle (e.g. for Github this could be a link to a tag, or press 'y' on the github project page to get a link to the current commit).
one paragraph describing any differences between the prototype and the implementation because of the evaluation or technical difficulties.
An ethics statement, explaining how you complied with the university regulations for ethical research on humans. Include the information sheets and consent form(s) any participants have completed (do not include the completed forms themselves).
Ask questions on MS Teams channels as usual.
The paragraph limit on documentation is intended to make you choose your language and conclusions carefully. A paragraph is typically 1-2 sentences giving a statement, followed by 6-8 sentences supporting the statement.
Supporting statements should make use of the terminology and theory you have learnt in the module.
Note that our emphasis here is not on writing code or the final output. We care (and award marks for) the design process you go through. It is acceptable to abandon the result of a cycle if there is a well argued reason.
You can run different cycles in parallel (at the same time) to spread the work, as long as the cycles can be merged into a single code base if successful. For example:
different people could perform parallel cycles to prototype, evaluate, and code the layout of the home screen - as long as the best implementation is merged.
different components could be built by different pairs of people - a dialog box could be a parallel cycle to the main screen layout.
Video evidence should be less than 45 seconds long. A link to a video on YouTube is a good way to achieve this. Ensure that the video and code repositories are publically available; unlisted videos are acceptable.
Be sure to obtain permission to include people in videos. Find alternatives if they do not want to be recorded (e.g. a transcript, voice only, etc…)
We do not care about the quality of the videos (noise, camerawork etc… are beyond the scope of this assignment). But they should be understandable on a first viewing when the accompanying paragraph is read.
Check all the links in your document before submission - ensure they all link the correct video and are accessible (i.e. they are visible to people who are not logged into YouTube).
Code guidelines:
comment your code with single-line comments (using //) such that someone familiar with C++ and this coursework description (i.e. the person doing the grading) is able to follow it.
indentation and braces as per 1TBS.
class names begin with capital letters,
variable names begin with lower-case letters.
constant globals to begin with a lower-case 'k'.
function length should be limited to 50 lines (excluding empty lines and comments).
line length should be limited to 100 characters.
there should be no unused (commented or inaccessible) code.
Marks will be awarded for:
The quality of your PACT scoping analysis, scenario, and persona design.
The quality of your evaluation and prototypes, as well as how well they match your chosen scenario and persona.
The variety of evaluation and prototyping techniques applied.
Completing at least three cycles. Extension marks are available for a fourth cycle.
Developing significant improvements to the Tomeo application which match the persona and scenarios.
Following the code guidelines.
The quality of writing in your process document:
arguments and supporting statements
application of a wide range of user experience theory (as taught in the module)
written English
Your ethics compliance documents
All members of the group will get the same mark, unless...
...all members of the group agree to a different mark split. To do this, include this form in your submission. It must be signed by all group members to be valid.
To submit:
You submission should be a zip file containing:
the PDF document in exactly the format detailed above
your final code which compiles and runs in QtCreator
optionally: a signed and scanned contribution form
Name your zip file for your usernames, e.g.:
A single member of your group should submit the zip file by the deadline at the top of this page.
Submit your zip file using minerva.
  • QQ:99515681
  • 邮箱:99515681@qq.com
  • 工作时间:8:00-21:00
  • 微信:codinghelp

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