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Functional Programming Tutorial 9

 Sudoku Solver

Informatics 1 – Introduction to Computation
Functional Programming Tutorial 9
Melkonian, Vlassi-Pandi, Wadler
Week 10
due 4pm Wednesday 25 November 2020
tutorials on Friday 27 November 2020
Attendance at tutorials is obligatory; please send email to lambrose@ed.ac.uk if you
cannot join your assigned tutorial.
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of the University regarding work for credit. You can find guidance at the School page
This also has links to the relevant University pages. Please do not publish solutions to
these exercises on the internet or elsewhere, to avoid others copying your solutions.
Sudoku Solver
This tutorial will help you to write a solver for Sudoku puzzles. The exercise is adapted from Chapter
5 of Thinking Functionally with Haskell by Richard Bird (CUP, 2015).
Sudoku is played on a 9×9 grid, as shown in the diagram. The goal is to fill in each empty cell with
a digit between 1 to 9, so that each row, column, and 3 × 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9—hence
no number should appear twice in any row, column, or box. Usually, Sudoku puzzles are designed
to have a unique solution, but we will write a solver that returns a list of all possible solutions.
4 5 7
9 4
3 6 8 7 2 6 4 2 8 9 3
4 5 6 5 3 6 1 9
Figure 1: An easy Sudoku puzzle
1 Representing and printing Sudoku puzzles
We will represent a Sudoku puzzle as a matrix, where a matrix is a list of rows and each row is itself
a list.
type Row a = [a]
type Matrix a = [Row a]
By convention, a row will always have nine elements and a matrix will always have nine rows, so
a matrix will always represent a 9 × 9 grid. (We could use abstract data types to enforce this
convention, see the optional problem at the end.)
We introduce a type to represent the contents of a cell.
type Digit = Char
By convention, a digit will be one of the characters from 1 to 9 or a blank. The following will be
used later.
digits :: [Digit]
digits = ['1'..'9']
blank :: Digit -> Bool
blank = (== ' ')
An online Sudoku puzzle generator can be found at sudoku.com. It can generate puzzles at four
levels of difficulty: easy, medium, hard, and evil. Here is an easy puzzle.
easy :: Matrix Digit
easy = [" 345 ",
" 89 3 ",
"3 2789",
"2 4 6815",
" 4 ",
"8765 4 2",
"7523 6",
" 1 79 ",
" 942 "]
We would like to print out puzzles in a more readable format.
*Main> put easy
| | 34|5 |
| 8|9 | 3 |
|3 | 2|789|
|2 4| 6|815|
| | 4 | |
|876|5 |4 2|
|752|3 | 6|
| 1 | 7|9 |
| 9|42 | |
We do this in a sequence of steps.
Exercise 1
Write a function that given a list of nine elements breaks it into three lists each containing
three elements. It should work on elements of any type.
group :: [a] -> [[a]]
For example,
group "123456789" == ["123", "456", "789"]
Exercise 2
Write a function which given a value and a list will intersperse the value before, between,
and after each element of the list.
intersperse :: a -> [a] -> [a]
For example,
intersperse "|" ["123", "456", "789"]
== ["|", "123", "|", "456", "|", "789", "|"]
Intersperse always takes a list of length n to a list of length 2 ∗ n + 1.
Exercise 3
Using group and intersperse, write a function
showRow :: String -> String
that converts one row of a Sudoku puzzle into a string for display. For example,
showRow "123456789" == "|123|456|789|"
Exercise 4
Using group, intersperse and showRow, write a function
showGrid :: Matrix Digit -> [String]
that converts a list of rows of a Sudoku puzzle (each formatted for display) into a list of
strings suitable for display. For example,
showGrid (replicate 9 "|123|456|789|") ==
Exercise 5
Finally, using unlines and putStrLn from the standard library, write a function
put :: Matrix Digit -> IO ()
that will neatly display a Sudoku puzzle. For example,
*Main> put easy
| | 34|5 |
| 8|9 | 3 |
|3 | 2|789|
|2 4| 6|815|
| | 4 | |
|876|5 |4 2|
|752|3 | 6|
| 1 | 7|9 |
| 9|42 | |
Exercise 6
Write functions
showMat :: Matrix Digit -> String
readMat :: String -> Matrix Digit
that convert a matrix into standard form for interchange, and back again. For example,
Tutorial9> showMat easy
Tutorial9> readMat it == easy
2 Generating all possible solutions
We will represent a partially solved Sudoku puzzle by a matrix where each cell contains a list of the
digits that might appear at that point.
Exercise 7
Write a function
choices :: Matrix Digit -> Matrix [Digit]
that converts a space to a list of all the digits, and otherwise converts a digit to a list
containing just that digit. For example,
choices easy ==
"4", "5", "123456789","123456789"],
["123456789","123456789","8", "9", "123456789",
"123456789","123456789","3", "123456789"],
["3", "123456789","123456789","123456789","123456789",
"2", "7", "8", "9"],
["2", "123456789","4", "123456789","123456789",
"6", "8", "1", "5"],
["8", "7", "6", "5", "123456789",
"123456789","4", "123456789","2"],
["7", "5", "2", "3", "123456789",
["123456789","1", "123456789","123456789","123456789",
"7", "9", "123456789","123456789"],
["123456789","123456789","9", "4", "2",
Exercise 8
Recall that the function cp (short for cartesian product) takes a list of n lists, and returns a
list of lists each of length n, where each element of the result contains one element from each
list in the argument.
The function is defined as follows.
cp :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
cp [] = [ [] ]
cp (xs:xss) = [ y:ys | y <- xs, ys <- cp xss ]
For example,
cp ["ab","cd","efg"] ==
Observe that it satisfies the prop_cp property:
length (cp xss) == product (map length xss)
By analogy with cp, write a function
expand :: Matrix [Digit] -> [Matrix Digit]
that produces a list of matrices of digits, with one matrix for each possible selection of digits
from the lists in the original matrix. For example, working on smaller 2× 2 matrices we have
expand [["12","34"],
["56","78"]] ==
Exercise 9
Write a QuickCheck property prop_expand that relates the length of the list returned by
expand to the lengths of the lists of digits in its argument.
Exercise 10
Compute the length of the list of possible answers to the easy puzzle specified above and
define it as easySols.
Hint: You will need to use the library function
fromIntegral :: Int -> Integer
to convert lengths to unbounded integers to avoid overflow in the answer. Assuming a com￾puter can generate a trillion solutions in a second, how long would it take to consider all
possible solutions to the easy puzzle? Compare this to the age of the universe, which is
estimated at 13.7 billion years.
3 Rows, Columns, and Boxes
We will need to check that the numbers in each row, column, and box of a puzzle are distinct. For
this reason, it is useful to write three functions from a matrix into a matrix:
rows, cols, boxs :: Matrix a -> Matrix a
Each of these maps the rows, columns, and boxes of a matrix into columns. Thus, if we consider
matrices with distinct digits in each row, column, or box:
*Main> put byRow
*Main> put byCols
*Main> put byBox
Then we have:
rows byRow == byRow
cols byCol == byRow
boxs byBox == byRow
Exercise 11
Define a function
rows :: Matrix a -> Matrix a
that maps each row into a row. Hint: This is trivial.
Exercise 12
Define a function
cols :: Matrix a -> Matrix a
that maps each column into a row. Hint: Look up the library function transpose, which we
also used in Tutorial 5.
Exercise 13
Define a function
boxs :: Matrix a -> Matrix a
that maps each box into a row. Hint: using group and cols, which we defined previously,
and concat/ungroup, which is in the standard library, we can make the transformations in
Fig. 2, shown for a 4 × 4 rather than a 9 × 9 matrix.
Exercise 14
Using the library function nub, write a predicate
a b c d
e f g h
i j k l
m n o p
  (
ab cd
ef gh) (
ij kl
mn op) 
a b e f
c d g h
i j m n
k l o p
  (
ab ef
cd gh) (
ij mn
kl op )
group . map group
map cols
map ungroup . ungroup
Figure 2: Boxs for 4 × 4 case
distinct :: Eq a => Row a -> Bool
that holds if each item in a given row is distinct.
Exercise 15
Write a function
valid :: Matrix Digit -> Bool
that holds if each row, column, and box in a Sudoku grid contains all the digits from 1 to 9.
Exercise 16
Observe that the function
simple :: Matrix Digit -> [Matrix Digit]
simple = filter valid . expand . choices
will find all possible solutions to a given Sudoku puzzle. Given the answer to 9, is this a
viable method?
4 Pruning
Many Sudoku puzzles (such as the easy puzzle above) can be solved by the following technique.
Recall that a partially solved puzzle is represented by the type
Matrix [Digit]
where each cell contains a list of digits that might appear in a solution. Some cells in the grid
correspond to a definite value, and contain a singleton list. We can improve a solution by removing
from the list of possible values in any cell any digit that appears in a singleton list in the same row,
column, or box. We call such a step pruning. Sometimes, repeatedly applying pruning is enough to
solve a puzzle.
Exercise 17
Write a function
pruneRow :: Row [Digit] -> Row [Digit]
that leaves any list consisting of a single digit unchanged, but removes from any other list
any single digit that appears elsewhere in the row. For example,
pruneRow ["169","269","17","1678","3","4","5","26","1"]
== ["69","269","7","678","3","4","5","26","1"]
Observe that the following three remarkable properties hold:
rows . rows == id
cols . cols == id
boxs . boxs == id
We can describe this by saying the rows, cols, and boxs are involutions. Confirm these three
properties hold on some example.
Exercise 18
Inspired by the fact that rows, cols, and boxs are involutions, we can define a function
pruneBy :: Matrix [Digit] -> Matrix [Digit]
pruneBy f = f . map pruneRow . f
Using pruneBy, define a function
prune :: Matrix [Digit] -> Matrix [Digit]
that performs pruning on each row, column, and box in the matrix.
Exercise 19
Write a function
many :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
that takes a function g and value x, and repeatedly applies g to x until the value no longer
changes. For example, say we define
close :: (Eq a, Ord a) => [(a,a)] -> [(a,a)]
close pairs = nub (sort (pairs ++
[ (x,z) | (x,y) <- pairs,
(y',z) <- pairs,
y == y' ]))
close [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)] ==
close [(1,2),(1,3),(2,3),(2,4),(3,4)] ==
close [(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4),(3,4)] ==
and so
many close [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)] ==
Exercise 20
Using the function
the :: [a] -> a
that takes a list of length one to its single element (and is undefined on other lists) write a
extract :: Matrix [Digit] -> Matrix Digit
that takes a Sudoku configuration where every list contains a single digit into the puzzle
consisting of those digits (and is undefined otherwise).
Exercise 21
Using choices, prune, many, and extract, write a function
solve :: Matrix Digit -> Matrix Digit
that solves any Sudoku puzzle that can be solved by repeated pruning. Which of the four
given puzzles can be solved in this way?
5 Optional Material
Please note that optional exercices do contribute to the final mark. If you don’t do the
optional work and get the rest mostly right you will get a mark of 3/4. To get a mark
of 4/4, you must get almost all of the tutorial right, including the optional questions.
6 Expanding a single cell
Given a partial solution of type Matrix [Digit], there are three possibilities.
1. Every list of digits contains only one element. Then we can use extract to get the solution.
2. Some list of digits is empty. Then, there is no possible solution.
3. Some list of digits contains more than one element.
In the third case, we can consider the shortest such list, lets call it ds, and lets call its length n. For
each d in ds, we can generate a new partial solution where ds is replaced by [d], and then recursively
try to solve each of the n resulting partial solutions.
For example, given the matrix of partial solutions:
The earliest, shortest list containing more than one choice is “67” (the fourth element of the first
row) and expanding it gives two simpler partial solutions.
Exercise 22
Write a function
failed :: Matrix [Digit] -> Bool
that returns true if any of the lists of choices is empty.
Exercise 23
Write a function
solved :: Matrix [Digit] -> Bool
that returns true if all of the lists of choices contain exactly one digit.
Exercise 24
Write a function
shortest :: Matrix [Digit] -> Int
that returns the length of the shortest list of digits that has more than one choice. You may
assume that the input is not solved, which means not all choices are singular.
The standard prelude defines the function
break :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
that given a predicate and a list containing an element that satisfies the predicate, splits the list into
two lists where the first is all the elements up to and not including the element which satisfies the
predicate, and the second is the remainder, beginning with the element that satisfies the predicate.
For example,
break (\ds -> length ds == 2)
== (["9","1578","3"],["67","167","4","2","15678","5678"])
Exercise 25
Using shortest and using break twice, write a function
expand1 :: Matrix [Digit] -> [Matrix [Digit]]
that performs the operation described at the beginning of this section: find the earliest,
shortest list of choices containing more than one choice, and generate a new matrix for each
choice in the list.
Hint: We can break the matrix up into pieces using
(preMat, row:postMat) = break (any p) mat
(preRow, ds:postRow) = break p row
where p is a predicate on lists of choices that returns true if its length is equal to a given
length. We can then reassemble the array by computing
preMat ++ [preRow ++ [[d]] ++ postRow] ++ postMat
where d is a chosen digit from ds.
Exercise 26
Using failed, solved, extract, many, prune, and expand1, write a search program
search :: Matrix Digit -> [Matrix Digit]
that executes the search procedure described at the beginning of this section. Use it to solve
all four sudoku puzzles.
7 (Really Optional) Challenge
Please note that challenges are entirely optional; you can receive full marks without
attempting the challenge.
Exercise 27
Using the declaration
data Mat a = MkMat (Matrix a)
revise your Sudoku solver to be a module that defines an abstract data type. Guarantee that
any client of the module can only define a matrix that has nine rows, each containing nine
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