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Unix & C Programming (COMP1000)

 Curtin University — Department of Computing

Unix & C Programming (COMP1000)
Semester 2, 2020
Final Assessment
Due: Check the time limit on Blackboard when you start this assessment
Weight: 50% of the unit mark.
This is an online OPEN BOOK Assessment. You have 5 hours and 30 minutes to complete
this. Finish all the tasks and submit the tarball before the time limit. Please ensure that
you dedicate sufficient time to understand the tasks at hand before you begin coding.
1 Overall Program
A supplementary video has been included with this assessment specification. It is recom￾mended you watch the video prior to start coding. The task will be to write a program
that simulates an automatic turn-based role-playing game (RPG). A ’hero’ and their ’en￾emies’ will each be imported from files and the hero will fight until the battle is won or
defeated. Each turn will have random elements that the program must manage (such as
dealing more damage, missing the attacks, or receiving a “power-up”).
1.1 Unassessed Items
Some items will not be assessed to assist with saving time. In particular:
• Commenting your code. Although commenting may help you with how you
structure and attempt the task, you are not required to do so. However, other
coding standards will still apply – your code must still be readable and must not
contain multiple returns in a single function, as an example. C89 syntax must still
be used.
• Data type validation. You may assume that the data type of the information
from the input files is always correct. However, validating the data itself for correct
values is still required. e.g. the ATTACK power of the hero should not be a negative
2 Academic Integrity
This is an assessable task, and as such there are strict rules. While the assessment is open
book, this does not allow collusion. You must not ask for or accept help from anyone else
on completing the tasks (whether or not they are themselves students). You must not
show your work to another student enrolled in this unit who might gain unfair advantage
from it. These actions are considered plagiarism or collusion.
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Do NOT just copy some C source codes from internet resources. If you get caught, it
will be considered plagiarism. Always reference your sources. Be aware that if significant
portions of the assignment are not your own work (even if referenced), there may be
penalties. If in doubt, ask!
Please see Curtin’s Academic Integrity website for information on academic misconduct
(which includes plagiarism and collusion).
The unit coordinator may require you to attend quick interview to answer questions about
any piece of written work submitted in this unit. Your response(s) may be referred to as
evidence in an Academic Misconduct inquiry. In addition, your assignment submission
maybe analysed by systems to detect plagiarism and/or collusion.
3 The Tasks
3.1 File IO
The program will use two input files:
• hero.txt – This file will contain a single line in this format:
e.g. 20,6,3,1,Arlen
– HP (Hitpoints) represent the health of the Hero. The game is over if this
reaches zero.
– ATK (Attack Point) measures how much damage the Hero can deal to the
– DEF (Defense Point) measures how much damage the Hero can absorb when
receiving an attack from enemy.
– MED (Medicine) is the medicine the hero can consume when his/her HP is
30% or less. However, if the HP reaches zero, this medicine cannot be used to
revive the Hero.
• enemies.txt – This file will contain a list of any number of enemies that the hero
must fight and will be in this format:
HP, ATK, DEF, Monster_Name_1
HP, ATK, DEF, Monster_Name_2
– Every monster will have its own HP, ATK, and DEF. No monster will carry
3.2 Command Line Arguments
Your program should receive only 3 arguments: “hero.txt”, “enemies.txt”, and the amount
of seconds to sleep for every screen transition/turn on the interface. You can use the
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function atof() (this function is already included in stdlib.h) to convert the strings to
float. Please check if the file can be opened before proceeding further.
3.3 Structs
Technically, you only need one struct here which contains four integers and one string for
the Hero/enemy. The 4 integers are for the HP (Hit Points), ATK (Attack Point), DEF
(Defense Point), and MED (Medicine). The enemy can just simply ignore the MED field.
The string is for the name of the Hero/enemy. For simplicity, you can assume the name
will only contain 50 characters maximum.
You should reuse the generic linked list you have written beforehand. You will need the
linked list to store all the enemies information. Everytime the Hero start fighting the
enemies, you remove it from the linked list one by one (and free it eventually). As the
supplementary video mentioned, you store the enemies’ information with the stack data
structure manner. The first enemy in the text file, will be the last one to be fought.
3.4 The Battle
3.4.1 Format
When the battle starts, the Hero always get the first turn. Afterwards, the Hero and
enemy will take turn to deal damage to each other’s HP until one is defeated. The
formula to calculate the dealt damage is:
Damage = (Attacker’s ATK) – (Defender’s DEF)
3.4.2 Win/Lose Condition
The Hero wins the game by defeating all the enemies (basically, when the linked list is
empty). The Hero loses the game when he/she is defeated (HP reaches zero) OR when
his/her ATK is too weak to break through the enemy’s DEF (i.e. the ATK is less than or
equal to 50% of enemy’s DEF). When the Hero loses, you can output the message stating
end of the game and then proceed to free the remaining allocated memory before closing
the program.
3.4.3 Battle Turn Randomness
For every attack, there are three possible outcomes:
• Damage (70% probability) – In this case, the damage is calculated as normal
• Critical Hit (20% probability) – Here the ATK is doubled for that turn only, prior
to subtracting DEF. However, you must use bit shifting to achieve this effect. • Miss (10% probability) – The attacker will not deal any damage in this scenario.
Please ensure that the DAMAGE does not become a negative number in this oper￾ation.
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You may use random number functions to simulate these scenarios. Ensure that every
game will yield a different result. (Hint: Use srand() function)
3.4.4 Battle Reward Randomness
After every battle, the Hero will receive one of these three items:
• Better Sword (30% probability) – This will increase the Hero’s ATK by 50%
permanently. Make sure the final number is still an integer by rounding the number
OR typecasting it into integer.
• Better Shield/Armor (30% probability) – Similar idea to “better sword”, but the
DEF is increased by 50% permanently instead.
• 1 Medicine (40% probability) – The Hero gained one Medicine for him/her to
consume later. There is no upgrade on the ATK or DEF in this case.
3.5 Gameplay
Once again, you can watch the supplementary video to see how the gameplay looks like.
Here is the written explanation of the program interface. Keep in mind the transition
between one screen/event to the next one always requires the program to clear the screen (
system(“clear”) ) and use newSleep with the length depending on the provided command
line arguments.
Welcome Message
When the program starts with valid input files, it should clear the screen and show a
simple welcoming message. You can choose the sentence. Here is one example:
Hero/Enemy Status
The program will then list the status of the Hero and the enemies. Keep in mind that
the list of the enemies has been reversed. Make sure you store the enemy information on
the linked list with stack data structure (first IN, last OUT). Here is an example:
Battle Screen
After the status screen, then the first battle will start. The Hero always strikes first, then
they will take turn to attack each other until one is defeated. Here is how the interface
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looks like:
As you can see, the Hero’s current status will be on the top left, while the enemy is at the
bottom (you can use the tab ‘\t’ to create the indent). The HP is updated in real time
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as the battle goes on. Once the enemy is defeated, it should be removed from the linked
list, then print the sentence “enemy_name is defeated!”.
If the Hero’s HP is 30% or less remaining (but not zero), he/she can use the medicine (if
any) to recover full HP, and still can attack at the same turn:
Item Drop
After every battle, the Hero will receive an item. Please print what item the hero received
and the new status. Here is an example:
Lastly, print the result of the overall battle. If the Hero defeats all the enemies, print the
winning message. If the Hero loses the battle, print the losing message:
3.6 Shell Scripting
Please write a short Shell script called “auto.sh” to detect whether the executable file
exists. If not, run the makefile. Afterwards, run the executable with the “hero.txt” and
“enemies.txt” as the arguments, along with “5.0” seconds argument.
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3.7 Makefile
As usual, please write a proper makefile with all the variables and rules (including clean
rules). There is NO conditional compilation on this final assessment. If this makefile is
missing or broken, we will assume the program cannot be compiled.
4 Marking Distribution
• Struct for Hero/enemy (5 marks)
• Command line arguments validation (5 marks)
• Correct gameplay interface (with proper screen clear, newSleep and real-time up￾date) (15 marks)
• Read files correctly, validating the content, and store the content in a struct. Utiliz￾ing the linked list correctly to store/remove the information of the enemies correctly.
(20 marks)
• Implementation of battle and item drop with correct probability. (15 marks)
• Usage of bit shifting for the Critical hit. (5 marks)
• Correct update on the status after receiving item. (5 marks)
• Makefile (5 marks)
• Shell Scripting (5 marks)
• Memory Management (Memory Leaks Check) (10 marks)
• Coding Standard (10 marks)
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5 Final Check & Submission
After you complete your assignment, please make sure it can be compiled and run on
our Linux lab environment. If you do your assignment on other environments (e.g on
Windows operating system), then it is your responsibility to ensure that it works on the
lab environment. In the case of incompatibility, it will be considered “not working” and
some penalties will apply. You have to submit a tarball (see practical worksheet for the
tarball creation instruction) containing:
• Your essential assessment files — Submit all .c, .h, and .sh files along with your
makefile. Please do not submit any executable or object (.o) files.
The name of the tarball should be in the format of:
⟨student ID⟩_⟨full name⟩_F inal.tar.gz
Example: 12345678_Antoni-Liang_Final.tar.gz
Once the tarball is ready, please submit it in TWO places: • The first place is the “e-test” webpage where you download the assessment specifi￾cation PDF file.
• The second place is the “backup submission link”.
Make sure these 2 submission are the SAME final tarball you want to submit. You can
double check your submission on the backup submission link.
Please make sure your submission is complete and not corrupted. You can re-download
the submission and check if you can compile and run the program again. Corrupted or
empty submissions will not receive marks. You may submit multiple times, but only your
latest submission will be marked (assuming not over the time limit). If you need to submit
it multiple times, make sure the latest submission is still a complete submission (i.e not
just one file to complement previous submission).
End of Final Assessment
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