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Lab 02 :Functions and Command-Line Arguments

 University of California, Santa Barbara Dept. of Computer Science

MATNI CS 16, Summer 2020 Page 1 of 6
Lab 02: Functions and Command-Line Arguments
Assigned: Wednesday, July 8th, 2020
Due: Tuesday, July 14th, 2020
Points: 100 (normalized to 100 in gradebook)
• There is NO MAKEUP for missed assignments.
• We are strict about enforcing the LATE POLICY for all assignments (see syllabus).
The assignment for this week will utilize concepts of void functions and command line arguments. 
This is material that is covered in lectures 4, 5, and 6 in class.
Step 1: Getting Ready
First, open a terminal window and log into the correct machine. Change into your CS 16 directory, 
create a lab02 directory and change into it. Remember that at any time, you can check what directory 
you are currently in with the command pwd.
Step 2: Create and Edit Your C++ Files
This week, you will need to create 2 files called change.cpp, and calculate.cpp: Each corresponds 
to one of the problems listed below, which make up this lab. Each is worth 50 points and should be 
solved in its own file and both must be submitted for full assignment credit.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This lab will be also graded for use of comments and style. See below for 
details. In addition, we will take major points OFF if you use C++ instructions/libraries/code that either 
(a) was not covered in class, or (b) was found to be copied from outside sources (or each other) 
without proper citation.
Write a program that tells what coins to give out for any amount of change from 1 cent to 99 cents. 
For example, if the amount is 86 cents, the output would be something like the following:
86 cents can be given as 3 quarters, 1 dime, 1 penny.
Use coin denominations of 25 cents (quarters), 10 cents (dimes), and 1 cent (pennies) only. Do not 
use nickel and half-dollar coins.
Your program should use the following function (it doesn’t have to be the only function, but you HAVE 
to use this one). Your program must use the compute_coins function declaration shown here:
void compute_coins(int amount);
// Precondition: 0 < amount < 100
// Postcondition: The function prints out the number of quarters, dimes and pennies 
needed to make the amount value.
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The program should verify that the value of amount is between 0 and 99 (inclusive). If this is not the 
case, the function should print out an error message (see example run below for the exact wording).
A loop in the program should have the user repeat this computation for new input values until the user 
enters a zero to quit (again, see example below).
A session should look exactly like the following example (including whitespace and formatting - note 
that there is no whitespace at the end of each of these lines and each printed line has a newline at the 
end), with all manners of different numbers for inputs and the output. The user input is bolded. Note 
also the case shown below where the input is out of bounds.
$ ./change 
Enter number of cents (or zero to quit): 
86 cents can be given in 3 quarters, 1 dime, 1 penny.
Enter number of cents (or zero to quit): 
35 cents can be given in 1 quarter, 1 dime.
Enter number of cents (or zero to quit): 
99 cents can be given in 3 quarters, 2 dimes, 4 pennies.
Enter number of cents (or zero to quit): 
25 cents can be given in 1 quarter.
Enter number of cents (or zero to quit): 
76 cents can be given in 3 quarters, 1 penny.
Enter number of cents (or zero to quit): 
45 cents can be given in 1 quarter, 2 dimes.
Enter number of cents (or zero to quit): 
Amount is out of bounds. Must be between 1 and 99.
Enter number of cents (or zero to quit): 
22 cents can be given in 2 dimes, 2 pennies.
Enter number of cents (or zero to quit): 
Challenge: Note that the words AND the punctuation (commas especially) can be different in different 
cases. They have to match the numbers, so singulars for quarter, dime, and penny are expected as 
appropriate for the case and plurals for quarters, dimes, and pennies, etc…
This can be trickier than it looks!
Hints: It will be useful to utilize a lot of if-else if statements and you will have to include the
library to make variable messages to meet the singular/plural and comma/no-comma requirements.
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MATNI CS 16, Summer 2020 Page 3 of 6
You will write a program that mimics a simple calculator that can do one of 3 operations on 2 integers:
addition, multiplication, or modulo.
The program takes 3 arguments at the command line: an integer, a character, and another integer. All 
of these arguments must be separated by a space character. The middle character can be 1 of only 3: 
‘+’, ‘x’, or ‘%’. The program then returns either the sum, the product, or the modulo of the 2 integers, 
For example, if you ran the program as (by typing the following on the Linux command 
line): ./calculate 1 + 2, then you should get 3 as the answer.
The program should be able to verify that:
1) the user has exactly 3 arguments,
2) the operator used is one of the 3 allowed operators and nothing else, and
3) when using modulo, the second integer is not zero (otherwise, you would divide by zero)
For each of these conditions, the program should print out a specific error message (called the
USAGE message) and exit. For each condition listed above, the error messages should respectively 
1) Number of arguments is incorrect.
2) Bad operation choice.
3) Cannot divide by zero.
Hint: you have to use cerr instead of cout to output the usage messages. Do not use cerr for any 
other outputs the program makes. While cerr and cout are alike in that they direct values to standard 
output, we usually use cout for the standard output, but use cerr to show or report errors to the user 
and the system.
You may use the exit(1) statement when exiting from giving some of the error messages. The 
instructor will demonstrate the proper use of exit(1) and cerr in class in Lecture 6 (pre-recorded 
Your outputs should match the ones in the example run shown in the next page.
Here is a skeleton program to help you get started:
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MATNI CS 16, Summer 2020 Page 4 of 6
// Calculate.cpp
// By:
// Created on:
using namespace std;
// Usage: ./calculate int char int
// char can be one of 3 things: + x or %
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
// PART 1: Check to see if the number of arguments is correct 
 // Hint: use “if (argc ...)” to check this, 
// use cerr to output any messages
 // PART 2: Convert arguments into integers (only those that need it!)
// Hint: this means using atoi()
// PART 3: Check for illegal operations like divide by zero...
// use cerr to output any messages
 // PART 4: Do the appropriate calculations, 
// outputs using both cout and cerr, etc...
 return 0;
This program does not loop back to take inputs again. See the sample runs examples below.
$ ./calculate 4
Number of arguments is incorrect.
$ ./calculate 1 + 2
$ 3
$ ./calculate 6 + -19
$ -13
$ ./calculate 7 x -5
$ -35
$ ./calculate 8 % 3
$ 2
$ ./calculate 4 3 2 + 0
Number of arguments is incorrect.
$ ./calculate 5 - 4
Bad operation choice.
$ ./calculate 8 % 0
Cannot divide by zero.
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Step 3: Create a makefile and Compile the Codes with the make Command
In order to learn another way to manage our source codes and their compilations, we will first create a 
makefile and put in the usual g++ commands in it. Afterwards, whenever we want to compile our 
programs, the Linux command is a lot shorter – so this is a convenience. The use of makefiles will 
reveal itself to be very useful the more complex our programs and CS projects become. We will 
discuss make and makefile in class soon!
Using your text editor, create a new file called makefile and enter the following into it:
all: change calculate
g++ change.cpp -o change
g++ calculate.cpp -o calculate
Then from the Linux prompt, you can do one of two things: either issue separate compile commands 
for each project, like so:
$ make change
Or, you can issue one command that will compile all the projects mentioned in the makefile, like so:
$ make
If the compilation is successful, you will not see any output from the compiler. You can then run your 
programs, for example:
$ ./change
If you encounter an error, use the compiler hints and examine the line in question. If the 
compiler message is not sufficient to identify the error, you can search online to see when the 
error occurs in general.
Remember to re-compile the relevant files after you make any changes to the C++ code.
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Step 4: Submit using GRADESCOPE
your program that would help explain what your program is doing to another person reading your 
program code. Also make sure that you STYLIZE your program appropriately to additionally make it 
easier on others reading your code. These 2 aspects (having appropriate comments and style) will be 
graded for an extra 20 points beyond the automatic grade you get from Gradescope. 
Log into your account on https://www.gradescope.com/ and navigate to our course site: CS16 
Summer 2020. Select this assignment. Then click on the “Submit” button on the bottom right corner to 
make a submission. You will be given the option of uploading files from your local machine or 
submitting the code that is in a github repo. Choose the first option and follow the steps to upload
BOTH (2) .cpp FILES (they must be named change.cpp and calculate.cpp) to Gradescope.
You may submit this lab multiple times. You should submit only after you test it on your computer (or 
CSIL) and are satisfied that the programs run correctly. The score of the last submission uploaded 
before the deadline will be used as your assignment grade.
Step 5: Done!
Once your submission receives a score of 100/100, you are done with this assignment. REMEMBER 
that there are 20 additional points that will be scored according to your proper use of comments and 
styling. The total will then be normalized to 100 points again (i.e. 120 score will be 100%, 111 score is 
92.5%, etc…) to grade this lab.
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