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210CT Assignment 2 
13 June 2020 
This coursework aligns to the following intended learning outcomes: 
1 Assignment 2 
The coursework component will be in the form of an application with some requirements to fulfil. 
For this hand-in, you should include the application and which requirements that are met. The list of 
requirements is given below. 
2 Submission 
The deadline for submission is [13/06/2020 Saturday]. You should submit your work as a single PDF 
document with each requirement beginning on a new page. You must submit the project through 
Late submissions will be awarded ZERO marks. If you have a genuine reason for needing to submit 
late, you can request an extension from faculty registry (at reception). 
Your document should be submitted as a PDF in the form NAME_210CTPF2.pdf, where NAME is 
your name in camel case. 
ILO Intended Learning Outcome Assignment Ques6on/Re- 
1 Understand and select appro- 
priate algorithms for solving a 
range of problems 
Requirements 1 to 5 
2 Design and implement algo- 
rithms and data structures for 
novel problems. 
Requirements 1 to 5 
3 Reason about the complexity 
and efficiency of algorithms 
This is addressed in A1W8PCT25 
4 Demonstrate the use of ad- 
vanced language features such 
as events, GUIs and concurren- 
Requirement 6 
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3 SMRT Smart Mapper (SSM) 
Singapore is connected with SMRT stations to facilitate quicker transportation. SSM is an applica- 
tion where the stations are linked up. The diagram in the Appendix shows the map of the SMRT sys- 
tem connected. 
Design your SSM application using a WEIGHTED GRAPH. 
4 Requirements for SSM 
The requirements are listed below. You should have been completing these requirements on a weekly 
Note that marks are also awarded for presentation. 
Requirement 1 – REPRESENTATION of the map in Figure 1 (Appendix A) 
Represent the network of the SMRT stations shown in Figure 1 with a weighted graph using adjacen- 
cy list or linked-list. 
Requirement 2 – Link an SMRT station to another SMRT station. 
Add a link between two stations on the map. 
Requirement 3 – Delink a SMRT station from a SMRT station. 
Remove a link between two stations on the map. If this is the last link on the map, prompt the user 
that the link cannot be removed. 
Requirement 4 – Traverse the SSM Map from a given SMRT station. 
Hint: This requirement can be done using a Bread-First Search or a Depth First search. 
Requirement 5 – Perform Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm given a source station and a destination 
Print the path and all possible shortest paths from source to destination and state the weight (1 link is 
considered weight of 1). 
Requirement 6 – Build a GUI that will allow the user to perform the actions listed in Requirements 1 
to 5. 
Others – Additional features or tasks will be considered and awarded marks. 
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5 Marking Guide 
You will be marked and awarded a maximum of 24 marks out of 25 without implementing additional 
Refer to the above table for awarding of marks. Marks are awarded based program execution, code 
efficiency, appropriate error handling, program reusability and program output. 
The marks you are awarded for these portfolio items will be combined with the marks you are award- 
ed for the 1st assignment. Each will be weighted at 50% of the coursework. 
Presentation attracts marks. Make sure each answer begins on a new page, with the date (week the 
task was given) and question shown. Use a fixed-width font (such as courier) for code. 
Marking scheme: 
Requirement not complete: At most half the marks for each requirement 
Requirement complete with some overlooking: At most 75% of the marks 
Requirement complete but not inefficient: At most 80% of the marks 
Requirement complete with efficiency: At most 90% of the marks 
Requirement complete with efficiency and presentation: 100% of the marks 
Program Execution, All features implement- 
ed (Requirements 1 to 5) 
10 marks 
Code efficiency, choice of data structures, 
appropriate loop structures 
5 marks 
Error Handling 2 marks 
GUI and Program Output (Requirement 6) 5 marks 
Program Reusability 2 marks 
Other features 1 mark 
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