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TCSS 372讲解、辅导Python,Java编程语言、讲解C/C++设计调试Matlab程序|讲解Database

TCSS 372 Winter 2020 HW1 Due: By midnight, Friday Jan. 17
(or with 10% late penalty, by midnight Saturday Jan. 18)
Include your last name in your file names. You should turn in a zip file called SMITH.zip which contains
MULT_SMITH.circ and DIV_SMITH.circ. (but use your own name instead of SMITH!)
1. Use Logisim to implement the simple multiplication circuit shown in Figure 3.3 but instead of
multiplying two 32 bits numbers to produce a 64 bit result, your circuit should multiply two 16
bits numbers to produce a 32 bit result.
You must clearly label the product, multiplicand, and multiplier registers. The multiplier register
should hold 16 bits and the other two should hold 32bits . To test your circuit, manually put a
multiplicand of at most 16 bits in the lower half of the 32 bit multiplicand register, put a value in
the multiplier register and set the product register to 0. Your circuit does not have to stop.
After all 1 bits disappear from the multiplier, the product register will no longer change and
should contain the correct result.
The algorithm repeats two steps, addition and shifting. Keep these steps separate by using the
clock to increment a 1 bit counter register. The counter register will have values 0,1,0,1,0,1
etc. as the clock ticks. Use the 0 to trigger the addition and the 1 to trigger the shifting.
Of course, you may not use the Logisim multiplier component.
2. A starting circuit is provided for this problem. Use Logisim to complete the starting circuit so
that it implements the simple division algorithm specified in Figures 3.8 and 3.9. The starting
circuit has labeled registers for the quotient, remainder, and divisor. The circuit also has a
register on the left side which is like a program counter. That register increases by one on each
clock cycle. The ROM is designed to output the values 001, 010, 100 exactly 17 times. You
must use these signals to trigger the three different stages of the division algorithm:
State 001: subtract the divisor from the remainder
State 010: if needed, add the divisor back into the remainder
and add a 1 or 0 bit to the right end of quotient
State 100: shift the divisor right by one bit
Notice that the PC-like register updates on the first half of the clock cycle, but all the other
registers update on the second half of the cycle. YOU MAY NOT CHANGE THIS!
Naturally, you may not use the divider component provided by Logisim.
Strategy and hints:
The simplest parts are subtracting the divisor from the remainder and shifting the divisor. Try
them first. When you shift the quotient left, you will need to add either a 0 or 1 to the right
end. This choice will be based on whether the remainder is negative or not. A mux will be
Finding out whether the remainder is negative is a key step. The easiest way to do this is to use
a Splitter. Once you have split the remainder into 32 bits, you can examine the high end bit to
see if it is negative or not.
When you're working with Logisim, you should be sure that the option "Add noise to component
delays" is turned off (no check mark). You can find it by going to the Project menu and choosing
"Options". It will probably stay unchecked once you set it, but you may want to have a second look if
your circuit behaves oddly.
If you find a component acting strangely, check that you haven't accidentally connected a couple ports

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