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FBP留学生辅导、辅导C++、讲解Predator/Prey、讲解C++编程 讲解Java程序|讲解Java程序

FBP Workshop/Homework
All slides Copyright 2019 by Michael V. Osier. All rights reserved.Changes in output this week
int main()
int dice = 5;
Symbol… For…
%d or %i Decimal number (i for
%f float/double
%e float/double with E
%s Null-terminated string
%c Charactergetchar
char c;
c = getchar();This week – Predator/Prey
This week, you get to build a predator/prey
model in C.
For those who took IBP, this is a C version of
your code.Predator/Prey requirements
Your program will create a 2D array of 10x10.
Each location can host a predator, a prey, or
Pick 10 random locations for prey and one for a
predator...make sure that they do not overlap!
Print to the screen the 2D matrix as a matrix.
Wait for the user to press enter before
continuing.Round 1
PredatorKeeping track of critters
Each creature, predator or prey, has a
non-overlapping position.
Prey also keep track of how much they
have eaten.
How many possible prey can you have?Keeping track of critters
Each creature, predator or prey, has a
non-overlapping position.
Prey also keep track of how much they
have eaten.
How many possible prey can you have?
– 10x10 = 100 (-1 for the predator)
If you have many prey, what data structure
would be best to contain them?Predator/Prey requirements
Each round, predator and prey can take an
A predator will choose, in order of preference to:
– Move into the square of a neighboring prey. If it does,
it “eats” the prey, which now disappears.
– Move into a random neighboring square.
Then the prey act.
– “Eat” (increment a counter) and move into a random neighboring
square that is empty.
– If there are no neighboring squares open, stay put. – Think about how to store the total number of “eats”
each prey has...
After each round, print the matrix.C and random
int dice;
dice = rand();C and random
int main()
int dice;
dice = rand();
}C and random
int main()
int dice;
dice = rand();
functionsC and random
int main()
int dice;
dice = rand();
printfC and random
int main()
int dice;
dice = rand();
timePredator/Prey requirements
Each round the model will act for each
– Eaten prey disappear from the original matrix
and array.
The model will then act for all remaining
Print the matrix.
Wait for user to press Enter
Repeat until there are no prey or no
Create the main model.
Initialize the matrix with predators/prey
and print it.
Keep track of how much prey have
Not required to iterate over rounds.Homework
Iterate over rounds and debug.HW Bonus points
A) Modify the code to allow prey to reproduce after
eating five times. What happens to the model? (0.2 pts)
B) Modify the code to allow predators to reproduce after
eating five times, but to lose one “eating” for every round
without eating. Predators start with 4 “eats” and die if
their “eat” count goes to 0. What happens to the model?
(0.2 pts)
After implementing bonus A and B, run the simulation 20
times to completion. Record how often the simulation
goes to all predators, how many times to all prey, and
how many times unresolved. (0.2 pts)

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