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CO2012 Coursework 2: Group Scrum

CO2012 Coursework 2: Group Scrum
Deeaadlliinnee: 14th December 2018: Midnight
Hoow ttoo ssuubmiitt: Submit a link to your repository in BB by the deadline.
Coonnttrriibuuttiioonn ttoo tthhee grraadee: 45% of the module
FFeeeedbaacckk aannd Grraadeess rreettuurrnn daattee: 15th Jan 2019
Annoonnyymoouuss Maarrkkiinng: It is not possible to mark anonymously because of usernames within the systems
used during this project (e.g. git commits, Pivotal Tracker comments). If you have any concerns please speak
to Dr Craggs.
Each group will work as a Scrum team to produce a small software application in 2 sprints. You can choose the
type of application you wish to develop. Guidance on choosing the application will be given in the lecture on
13th November.
You will be assessed primarily on how well you apply Scrum and source control techniques taught in this
Coursework Phases
This is not an assignment that you can leave until close to the deadline. There are things to produce at certain
points throughout the project.
The project consists of 3 phases, with deliverables for each:
1. Sprriintt Zeerro: before the software development begins.
2. Soffttwaarree Deevveellopmeentt Sprriinttss: You must decide when your team will have 2 weeks of
sprints with no gap between them. During these weeks you develop your application following
the Scrum process.
3. Reeflfleecctt aand Submiitt: After the sprints you will have an opportunity to reflect on your work and
to provide evidence to support your submission.
Sprint Zero
Sprint Zero is all of the time up to the start of your first development sprint. During this time you will want to
meet as a group to decide how you will run the project. There are specific outputs to produce from this phase,
but you may also want to agree to things like how often you will meet, if you will take any particular roles,
clarify any questions you have about the worksheet etc.
By the end of Sprint Zero each group should:
1. Decide on which two consecutive weeks before 14th December will be used for the 2
development sprints. For example you may decide that you will have your sprints from Mon
19th Nov through to Sun 2nd Dec. Or you may want to start developing after the class test. Give
yourself time after the end of the development sprints for preparing your final submission. Enter
this information in the _docs/scrum-project-details.md file in your group git repository.
2. Decide on the application you will develop. Guidance to help you make a good decision will be
given in the lecture on 13tth Novveembeerr. Draft a description of this in the file _docs/scrumproject-
details.md. This can be updated before the final submission but it will help us all if
there is a draft there by the end of sprint zero.
3. Create a definition of done by adding at least two new items to the list in _docs/scrumproject-
details.md. Include how your team will provide evidence that this is complete within
Pivotal Tracker.
4. Create 10 or more user stories for this application and write them in _docs/initial-userstories.
md. You can highlight the 1-3 of these that you are most happy with to help the
marker. Do this by adding **BEST ONES** or similar above the user story.
5. Copy the user stories into your Pivotal Tracker project as shown in the course videos.
6. Set up Pivotal Tracker according to the “Pivotal Tracker Setup” instructions in the Blackboard
folder for this coursework.
At the end of Sprint Zero tag your Github repository with “end-of-sprint-zero”.
Development Sprints
For each of the development sprints you should follow the Scrum process to produce new working software.
For each sprint do the following:
1. Sprriintt pllaanniing to choose the order of the stories. Estimate any stories that are added to the
product backlog but are not yet estimated.
2. Complleettee ssttorriieess work on stories, update the Pivotal Tracker status as you go, and add any
necessary evidence when you complete the definition of done.
3. Sprriintt rreevviieew Before the end of the sprint review each user story and decide whether you are
happy to accept it. This means all of the items in the definition of done are complete with clear
evidence in Pivotal Tracker comments, and that it fulfils the goals of the user story.
Att tthhee eennd ooff tthhee fifirrsstt deevveelloopmeenntt ssprriinntt perform a short sprint retrospective. Write down the one
thing that you will do differently in _docs/scrum-project-details.md. There is guidance on the type of
thing you should choose in _docs/scrum-project-details.md.
Att tthhee eennd ooff eeaacchh deevveelloopmeenntt ssprriinntt tag your Github repository end-sprint-1 or end-sprint-2.
The dates that you create these tags must match the dates you entered in _docs/scrum-projectdetails.
md for Sprint Zero.
After the development sprints
To give yourselves the best chance of a great mark you should review your work and make sure that you have
provided clear evidence of what you have done, in line with the marking criteria.
You cannot edit the application code or any other documentation that was produced within the development
sprints. There will be penalties for doing this. However you should do the following to help your marker:
1. Review the evidence that is provided in each story for the completion of each stage of the
definition of done. e.g. ensure that the links to the code and tests in the Pivotal Tracker
comments are correct.
2. Update _docs/scrum-project-details.md to reflect on how well you did what you said you
would do differently in response to your sprint retrospective. As far as possible, provide
evidence that of the change you made, and the impact that it had.
3. If necessary add comments in _docs/submission-evidence.md.
4. Complete the peer assessment. You will be sent instructions and a link.
For the final submission, tag the repository as ‘final-submission’ and submit to Blackboard by adding a link to
your group repository in the “Text Submission”.
You must use the following technologies:
1. Git and Github for storing code and project documents. You must use the repository created for
your group.
2. Markdown. All documents must be written in markdown. See the guidance in the coursework
folder in Blackboard.
3. Pivotal Tracker for keeping an up to date Scrum board and record your progress.
4. Gradle for compiling and running your application. It must be possible to execute your
application by cloning your repository and running gradle run
5. JUnit for unit testing.
Group Repository
Each group has a repository created for them called co2012-1819-group-xx-cw2.
This contains templates for submitting things mentioned in this worksheet (e.g. retrospective reflection) and
also a skeleton gradle application.
You are free to develop the application as you wish, the only requirements are that it must run when we clone
the repository and type
gradle run or gradle bootrun and it must compile and run unit tests when we type gradle build.
Pivotal Tracker States
PPrroojjeecctt SSttoorryy SSiittuuaattiioonn PPrreessss tthhee bbuuttttoonn whheenn
Unstarted No work has started. Work has started on this story
Coding/testing has started on this
story but is not complete All code is written and all unit tests pass
Finished Coding and unit testing are
All other aspects of the definition of done
are complete and checked
Definition of done is complete for
this story It is checked at your sprint review
You reject this story at your sprint
review. You start work to fix the issues

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