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辅导SENG1050、讲解HTML/CSS设计、辅导Web/HTML/CSS语言 讲解Processing|解析R语言编程

SENG1050 - Assignment 2

Outline - All Web Pages - Homepage - Data Collection Form
Farm Information Display Pages - Web Design - Coding Style - Submission - Marking
Due: 11:59pm, Friday 26th October, 2018
by 11:59pm, Saturday 27th October, 2018: -10%
by 11:59pm, Sunday 28th October, 2018: -20%
by 11:59pm, Monday 29th October, 2018: -30%
by 11:59pm, Tuesday 30th October, 2018: -40%
by 11:59pm, Wednesday 31st October, 2018: -50%
after 11:59pm, Wednesday 31st October, 2018: 0
Weight: 25% of course total.
The objectives of this assignment are

to exercise your ability to create Web pages using HTML and CSS,
to transform the XML documents from Assignment 1 into HTML using XSLT,
to test your skill in employing HTML features such as forms,
to evaluate your expertise with JavaScript for client side processing.
Warning - HTML Generating Tools

You are NOT allowed to use a HTML generating program for this assignment. This includes DreamWeaver, Microsoft Frontpage, saving to HTML from Word, etc. You must write all of the HTML tags yourself in a plain-text editor such as NotePad. Any assignments that use HTML generated from a tool will be given ZERO.


The University of Newcastle is a partner institution of the Newcastle Eco Community. As a promising student with web communication skills, you have been asked to develop a web site, Organic Farmers' Market for the Newcastle Eco Community. This site advertises organic farm businesses that have their own online ordering and delivery system.

Many smaller family farms sell produce directly from their farm. Your job is to help them!

Your task is to present the organic farms as appealingly as possible on the web.

Your assignment will have the following parts.

A Homepage
A "Data Collection" page
2 Farm pages
All pages must have good readability, consistency and navigation. Details of all of these pages are given below.

General guidelines for preparing your all web pages

All pages should be coded according to the HTML5 standard.
All pages should contain the full HTML5 document structure, including , , , and <body> .<br>All pages should use Cascading Style Sheets for visual formatting. You must use an external style file (style.css) which will define the style for all web pages you have created, Embedded (Document-level) style (where appropriate) and a few ( NOT many) inline styles.<br>All visual formatting of the Web site should be implemented using Cascading Style Sheets.<br>Use one external CSS for all web pages.<br>Use at least one id and one class selector.<br>Use at least one <div>, used to provide some interesting styling (your choice of borders, background, floating alignment, etc.)<br>Use at least one <span>, used to provide some formatting (e.g. a colour or font change) for a few words of text.<br>You should use a document-level style sheet to apply styles that are unique to the particular page (if appropriate).<br>You should only use inline styles for one-off visual effects.<br>Your assignment directory should contain a sub-directory, named images with all the image files you are using in your web pages.<br>There should be a nice background for the whole web site.<br>There should be a left side margin of 1 cm for all pages.<br>There should be hyperlinks on each of the pages that provide navigation capabilities for your site.<br>There should be hyperlinks from the index page to other pages and hyperlinks from other pages back to the index page. These links should use a relative URL.<br>Each page should also have links to every other page.<br>The text colours of a link before they are visited, after they are visited and during a user action must be different from each other. The link must appear noticibly bigger when you move the cursor over them.<br>The pages must have good readability, consistency and navigation.<br>Comments for your HTML code: Comments at the top of the file, stating the name of the file, the name of the author and the date the file was created.<br>Homepage<br><br>Your submission should contain a homepage, called index.html which you created in Assignment 1. You may need to make changes to this page, to ensure that any links to other pages in the website work, or incorporate any other updates listed in your assignment 1 feedback.<br><br>Links necessary for Homepage are:<br><br>a link to the data collection page (form);<br>a privacy policy; this is necessary as you are collecting data including personal identifying information (PII) from your guests - there is no need to actually create this page, just link to https://www.visser.com.au/blog/generic-privacy-policy-for-australian-websites/<br>Terms and Conditions; This can link to https://media.termsfeed.com/pdf/terms-and-conditions-template.pdf<br>About us; this can link to http://www.blogtyrant.com/best-about-us-pages/<br>Contact; this can link to http://www.blogtyrant.com/best-contact-us-pages/<br>Data Collection Page<br><br>This page will allow customers to provide comments and impressions about the system as well as some personal information (so there should be a link to the privacy policy on this page as well). This upload will be done as a form, which sends the information to "http://evc-cit.info/cgi-bin/echoform.cgi" when applicants click the "Submit" button. The following things need to be included on the page.<br><br>Create the form<br><br>The form needs to have at least the following things.<br><br>An appropriate level 1 heading.<br>Mandatory information about the customer:<br>a full name,<br>email<br>age range (less than 20, 20-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, more than 60),<br>address,<br>more ...<br>Survey questions decided by you. Think through what you want to learn from your survey.<br>Use different types of input such as textboxes, dropdown menus, radio buttons, checkboxes and textareas (at least 1 of each).<br>Buttons to submit and clear the form.<br>Validate the form<br><br>You will write Javascript functions to validate the form (DO NOT USE HTML5 form validation attributes such as 'required').<br><br>Use JavaScript to perform client-side data validation.<br>The validation functions should check that at least three required inputs (marked with asterisks) in your form are filled out.<br>These should be different types of input (e.g., textbox, dropdown menus, radio buttons or checkboxes), so the validation will be done differently for each one.<br>The validation functions should check a valid email address (please do not use HTML5 form validation INPUT types such as INPUT type="email").<br>If the form does not pass the validation check, the user should be presented with an alert message asking them to provide the missing information or correct the wrong information.<br>The validation functions should be initiated when the form is submitted.<br><br>The structure and presentation of this page is up to you however the specifications provided here must be followed.<br><br>Farms Information Display Pages<br><br>You will be writing an XSL document to transform your XML documents from Assignment 1 into HTML. The HTML that is generated should fit in with the style of the rest of your website (eg., similar formatting, colors, etc.). You will need to use CSS in your generated HTML.<br><br>Note that all your XML documents have the same tags and DTD and therefore they can all use the same XSL document. This means you should only make 1 XSL file. The XSL should have the following:<br><br>an appropriate level 1 heading;<br>list of all the farms sorted alphabetically by the farm name:<br>farm details;<br>an image of a farm or food;<br>URL of the farm.<br>All this data must be collected from the XML documents.<br>Other relevant information that is in your XML documents.<br>Web Design<br><br>A successful website meets clearly identified goals and provides compelling content that draws your audience to your site again and again. In addition it should be easy to navigate and feature visual attractiveness.<br><br>Coding Style<br><br>Please note that your HTML code, CSS code and XSL code must be neat, clear, and commented. A clean structure is important for a site that will be maintained and updated later by someone else, who won't have your memory of how things are structured.<br><br>Other than the specifications mentioned, the way you design your page is up to you. However it should use semantically-correct tags. All your work should be validated.<br><br>Submission<br><br>Your submission should contain all the files that contribute to the Web site, including HTML, CSS, XML, XSL and image files. You must also include a README.txt file, containing your student number and a list of the files that are part of your submission.<br><br>Finally, your submission should include a completed Assignment Cover Sheet. You should download a cover sheet template, then fill in the details and include it with your submission. Note: an Assignment Cover Sheet submitted electronically is deemed to have been signed. Your assignment cannot be marked until a completed cover sheet is received.<br><br>Failure to follow submission instructions will incur a penalty.<br><br>Warning - Plagiarism<br><br>Plagiarism is defined as presenting the work of others' as if it were your own. This includes the copying of content from other people's Web pages (and other sources) without "appropriate referencing" (indicating the parts of your assignment which have been copied and where they were copied from).<br><br>If you "quote" or use other people's work in your assignments, then you must reference them appropriately. If you fail to do so you will be reported to the School's Student Academic Conduct Officer (SACO) for suspicion of plagiarism. An assignment that consists largely of work copied from elsewhere and referenced appropriately will receive very low (zero) marks.<br><br>You can find more information on the University's Policy on Student Academic Integrity in the Course Outline and at http://www.newcastle.edu.au/policylibrary/000608.html. You can find advise on quotation and appropriate referencing in the InfoSkills Web site.<br><br>The assignment is to be submitted on Blackboard via the Assignments page . To submit your files, place them all into a single .zip archive named with your student id (eg., c3012345.zip).<br><br>If you have trouble submitting, contact me as soon as you can. Failure to submit correctly is not of itself a sufficient reason to apply for Adverse Circumstances on the assignment.<br><br>Marking Guidelines<br><br>The following serves as a rough guide to how many marks are allocated to each part of the assignment.<br><br>Total Marks: 100<br><br>Overall and Design: 20<br>External Style sheet: 7<br>Homepage: 3<br>Data Collection Page: 35<br>Farms Information Display Pages: 35<br><br></span> </div> </div> <style type="text/css"> .listkeyword { color: #990099; font-size: 14px; margin:0px 0px 0px 17px; word-wrap: break-word; text-align:left; } </style> <div class="width30bi divfr"> <div class="width99bi margintop20 divbdr divfl"> <div class="divtitle"> <div class="divfl divtitlefont" style="text-align: left"> 联系我们</div> <div class="divfr"> </div> </div> <div> <ul> <li class="divullititle heightline25px divtal">QQ:99515681 </li> <li class="divullititle heightline25px divtal">邮箱:99515681@qq.com </li> <li class="divullititle heightline25px 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