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Homework 5
26 October 2018
This is an exercise in implementing functions to solve a large problem. Some of the function specifications
are already dictated by the assignment below, but a student is welcome to define any other functions that
might be helpful in solving the problem.
There is a starter program file provided with this assignment (in the Functions Module) that predefines the
names and interfaces of several functions in a suitable order in the file. A section later in this document will
give a road map to that file to explain what will be filled in.
Assignment Description
This program will simulate part of the game of Yahtzee!
This is a dice game that involves rolling five dice and scoring points based on what show up on those five
dice. The players would record their scores on a score card, and then total them up, and the player with the
larger total wins the game.
A Yahtzee score card has two portions:
The upper portion has spaces for six scores, obtained by adding up all of the 1's, 2's, 3's, etc.
The lower portion has special scores for various combinations:
Three of a kind -- at least 3 dice are the same number;
the score is the sum of all five dice
Four of a kind -- at least 4 dice are the same number;
the score is the sum of all five dice
Small straight -- four consecutive numbers are represented, e.g. 2345;
the score is 25 points
Large straight -- five consecutive numbers are represented, e.g. 23456;
the score is 30 points
Full House -- three of one kind, two of another; the score is 30 points
Yahtzee! -- five of a kind; the score is 50 points
Chance -- nothing special; the score is the sum of all five dice
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In a typical turn of this game, a players take rolls five dice, and then has two opportunities to reroll any dice
that are desired, and then those dice are evaluated according to the options above.
To keep the assignment size manageable, the basic assignment will not need to represent the entire game.
It will simply roll five dice and evaluate them, and then allow the player to roll another new set of five dice,
and evaluate those. It will not need to keep score, either.
Here are some sample results from the instructor's solution.
For readability, I put the upper and lower portions side by side.
Rolled: 6 6 4 4 4

Three of a Kind 24
Sets of 1's: 0 Four of a Kind 0
Sets of 2's: 0 Full House 30
Sets of 3's: 0 Small Straight 0
Sets of 4's: 12 Large Straight 0
Sets of 5's: 0 Yahtzee 0
Sets of 6's: 12 Chance 24

Another (y/n)? y
Rolled: 2 2 6 6 1
Three of a Kind 0
Sets of 1's 1 Four of a Kind 0
Sets of 2's 4 Full House 0
Sets of 3's 0 Small Straight 0
Sets of 4's 0 Large Straight 0
Sets of 5's 0 Yahtzee 0
Sets of 6's 12 Chance 17

Another (y/n)? y
Rolled: 3 5 2 5 4

Three of a Kind 0
Sets of 1's 0 Four of a Kind 0
Sets of 2's 2 Full House 0
Sets of 3's 3 Small Straight 25
Sets of 4's 4 Large Straight 0
Sets of 5's 10 Yahtzee 0
Sets of 6's 0 Chance 19

Another (y/n)? n

Program Design Hint
The order in which the dice were rolled is never relevant in this game. What does matter is how many 1's,
2's, 3's, were rolled. A list proves to be an excellent way to remember this information: where list element 1
records the number of 1's, list element 2 records the number of 2's, and so on.
This list will play a major role in this assignment. It will be first populated each time a player rolls five dice; it
would be modified when the player rerolls dice (for extra credit); and it will be examined to come up with the
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scores above. And Python provides a lot of help:
The 'in' and 'not in' test conditions can help to recognize some of the scoring patterns.
The list slice operation (such as counts[2:6]) can narrow down which part of the list would be examined with
the 'in' and 'not in' test conditions.
And of course, the use of the list instead of separate variables makes it possible to come up with all the left-
side scores above within a for loop.
A Very Special Programming Tip
There are several different ways of evaluating the dice rolls above. It does help to have functions for those
evaluation methods -- but it may seem a little awkward calling them for the output display.
At first glance, it seems you would need to have seven different program statements, one for each row of
output above, which especially looks repetitive when considering how the left side behaves.
It turns out that a list can very useful here too!
Here are a few lines of code from the instructor's solution:

name_lower = ['Three of a Kind','Four of a Kind','Full House',
'Small Straight', 'Large Straight', 'Yahtzee', 'Chance']
score_lower = [three_of_a_kind, four_of_a_kind, full_house,
small_straight, large_straight, yahtzee, sum_counts]

print(f"{name_lower[i]:17} {score_lower[i](counts):2}")

The first list definition is just a list of strings much like one seen before.
The second defines an list of 7 elements, each of which refers to a function that will take as a parameter the
list described in the Program Design Hint above.
The last line above shows both arrays being indexed with the same index variable, and that the function is
being passed a list argument (here named counts). All it needs is a loop to pick
the values for i, and it can produce all the right-side information (and you can also plug in a print statement
to handle the left side).
A Tour of the Starter Program File
The very top of the file deals with the dice rolling. It first obtains access to the 'random' library to learn how
to roll dice (random.randint(1,6) picks a number from one to six). Then there are two function definitions to
fill in.
The first will roll five dice and record how many 1's, 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, and 6's were rolled in the single list
provided. The list has been initialized to zero's to start with so you can count from there.
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The second function will handle rerolls, and a user prompt has been provided to give a hint about how to
handle that interface. This code will remove the dice the user wants to reroll (by reducing their frequency),
and replace those with newly rolled dice.
NOTE: This function will actually be an extra credit option, so you can postpone it until the others are
complete. But it would still be good to do if you get a chance, because the full house and straights are
extremely unlikely on a single roll of five dice, so the game really would rerolls to be playable.
Next appear several functions used to evaluate the dice, each with a description. Many of these can be
solved just an if condition choosing whether a score is needed or not. For hints about the if conditions,
review the Program Design Hint section above.
After all of these functions are defined, they are wrapped up in the lists already mentioned above, and then
comes the rest of the program that will make use of all the functions. It will roll dice, possibly reroll dice, and
score those dice, as is illustrated in the sample user interface above. And since a lot of stuff has been
squeezed into lists, all you need to do is count list indexes in a loop.
Incremental Implementation
One nice thing about breaking a large program up into several small functions is that one can implement just
one or two functions at a time and make sure they work before moving on. The fun part is figuring out how
to test them when the whole program is not in place.
For this assignment most of the functions actually can be tested independently of the others.
For example:
If you implemented the roll_dice function and ran your program, you would be able to go into the Python
Shell and just type roll_dice() over and over again, and see if it not only displays the rolled dice while it runs,
but also returns the correct frequency counts (how many 1's, etc.)
If you implemented just the sum_counts function, you could test it in the Python Shell with various values
sum_counts([0,5,0,0,0,0,0]) -- 5 1's add up to 5
sum_counts([0,0,0,0,0,0,5]) -- 5 6's add up to 30
sum_counts([0,0,0,2,3,0,0]) -- 2 3's and 3 4's add up to 18
If you implemented just the full house function, you could test it in the very same way (I'll let you figure out
what the list looks like when a full house should be scored).
All of the functions in the given file have been defined in such a way so that they will all compile and 'run'
successfully, even if they don't do anything meaningful yet. That way you can easily pick and choose what
to work on next.
A Small Extra Credit Option
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Some of the scoring options are extremely unlikely to occur on a single roll of five dice, so a more complete
simulation of the game should allow rerolls. A separate function has been defined for this purpose. It will
take the given roll from before, and then ask the user which dice to reroll. It will remove a previous die roll
simply by reducing the number of occurrences that number had from the given information, and then replace
it with a new roll.
It is simplest to have this function do that operation just once, and then have the larger part of the program
decide whether to call it a second time. A return value has been defined indicate whether any reroll actually
happened. (If the player already chose not to reroll, don't ask a second time.)
Rolled: 3 5 4 2 2
Enter the values of the dice to reroll, separated by spaces
or enter a blank line to keep the dice as they are.
Rerolling 1 dice: 6
Enter the values of the dice to reroll, separated by spaces
or enter a blank line to keep the dice as they are.

Three of a Kind 0
Sets of 1's: 0 Four of a Kind 0
Sets of 2's: 2 Full House 0
Sets of 3's: 3 Small Straight 25
Sets of 4's: 4 Large Straight 30
Sets of 5's: 5 Yahtzee 0
Sets of 6's: 6 Chance 20

Another (y/n)? y
Rolled: 1 4 1 1 2
Enter the values of the dice to reroll, separated by spaces
or enter a blank line to keep the dice as they are.
2 4
Rerolling 2 dice: 6 1
Enter the values of the dice to reroll, separated by spaces
or enter a blank line to keep the dice as they are.
Rerolling 1 dice: 1

Three of a Kind 5
Sets of 1's: 5 Four of a Kind 5
Sets of 2's: 0 Full House 0
Sets of 3's: 0 Small Straight 0
Sets of 4's: 0 Large Straight 0
Sets of 5's: 0 Yahtzee 50
Sets of 6's: 0 Chance 5

Another (y/n)? n
A Challenging Extra Credit Op�on
Actually keep score for an entire solitaire came of Yahtzee!
This game would consist of 13 turns (there are 13 categories to score).
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Stand-in Rubric
After displaying the possible scores for each category, ask the user which score to keep (it might not be the
largest). Once the box is filled, it cannot be scored again.
It would be very helpful to have the display somehow indicate which boxes have already been filled, and
which scores are available.
In addition, there are these things to note about the score:
There is a bonus score of 35 points if the upper half scores add up to more than 63. You can display this
below those upper scores; it would also be nice to have a total score for everything (which can be placed
under the lower scores).

If a player rolls a Yahtzee! and has already scored 50 points for Yahtzee, they may instead score 50
points in any of the other lower-score boxes, in place of the regular scoring mechanism. However, this
cannot be done if a 0 has already been placed in the Yahtzee box (or if that box is empty).

Of course, on the 13th round, when there is only one unscored box, there should be no need to ask the
user where to place that last score.
With this Extra Credit option, a player should be able to play a complete game solitaire.
Here is an illustration of one turn in an instructor solution. It shows what can be scored with the given dice
roll, with the previously recorded scores shifted to the left. It would not be important to mimic this picture
exactly, just as long as the player knows what scores are available to fill in.
Rolled: 4 4 4 6 3
Enter the values of the dice to reroll, separated by spaces
or enter a blank line to keep the dice as they are.
6 3
Rerolling 2 dice: 2 3
Enter the values of the dice to reroll, separated by spaces
or enter a blank line to keep the dice as they are.
2 3
Rerolling 2 dice: 3 6
7: Three of a Kind 21
1: Sets of 1's: 3 8: Four of a Kind 0
2: Sets of 2's: 4 9: Full House 30
3: Sets of 3's: 3 10: Small Straight 25
4: Sets of 4's: 12 11: Large Straight 0
5: Sets of 5's: 10 12: Yahtzee 0
6: Sets of 6's: 6 13: Chance 21
Bonus: 0 Total 72
Please enter which score you wish to save: (1-13): 7
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: 50.0 , 50.0

Readability 10.0
Program code was very clearly
self-evident and correct, or
comments clearly explained it
Grader could identify what
the program did, but had to
think to understand it.
Program was hard to read,
or not even in the proper
form. of a program.
Solution 25.0 Good
Program very clearly solves
the problem in a way that is
self-evident to the reader,
through simple code or clear
Program is generally correct but
either has minor flaws in some
cases, or takes a very difficult path
to a solution when a simpler one
should be clear
Program rarely solves
the problem correctly,
or is to hard to read to
know whether it solves
it at all
Execution 15.0
Program behaves
correctly for all
reasonable inputs
Program mostly behaves as expected,
but with some errors in some
Program fails to run or
produce correct results for
most inputs

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